The Cracks in the System

Here's a list of things we know. Like, there are scientific studies. It's fact. It's proven. Students don't learn well/at all early in the morning.Students don't learn if they are bored.Standardized tests are bullshit.Stress has negative effects on health.Socialization is an important part of adolescent development (and homework interferes with that).Our school system - The … Continue reading The Cracks in the System

Abysmally Cringe-worthy Test

I never took the ACT. It was only just becoming a thing when I was in high school, so I took the SAT. But no matter what acronym you give it, a standardized test is a standardized test. If you want to know the problem with standardized tests, and the school system in general, you … Continue reading Abysmally Cringe-worthy Test